Thursday | September 15 | 2-3pm PT
All ages and skill levels

Using Air Dry Clay, we’ll be making a wall hanging made of clay medallions hung from a tree branch. Bring to class toothpicks, pencils, chopsticks, leaves and any other tools that can be used for mark making. After the clay is dry, you can paint it with acrylic paints, or seal it with an acrylic sealer or medium to preserve your medallions.

-Air Dry Clay (can be bought at an art store or online)
-Plastic bag to protect your work surface
-Marking tools (paintbrushes, toothpicks, pencils, etc…)
-Tree branch
-Paper Towels

Virtual Drop-In: This program is a part of Virtual Drop-in Series. | By registering once, participants may attend all weekly sessions.

Teaching Artist: Carrie Leeb

Registration: Free | RSVP is Essential

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